It’s the Bee’s Knees – And Glasgow’s New Rooftop Tenants are Literally Buzzing…

A photograph showing the activity in a bee hive.

Honeybees are essential to our ecosystem, but sadly their numbers have dwindled in recent years.  Now, the rooftops above George Square are host to the latest addition in the Scottish local authority’s long-term sustainability initiative with two new beehives located on the roof of the iconic Glasgow City Chambers. 

The danger honeybees are in has been widely publicised in the media.  Bees are important pollinators, but they are currently under threat from disease, increased use of pesticides, as well as climate changeBees are exceptionally important to the food chain.  They pollinate a third of the food we eat.  Importantly, they also pollinate trees which help reduce air pollution by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.  And despite the vital role they play in our eco-system, there is a distinct lack of government initiatives to help combat the problem.

As part of Sustainable Glasgow’s plans for Green Year 2015, around 120,000 bees have taken up residence on the roof of the City Chambers where they have been creating quite a buzz.  The two colonies of honeybees have been housed on the flat roof of the iconic building, overlooking George Square – the civic centre of the City.

Sustainable Glasgow is now doing its bit to help reverse that decline by installing these two hives. 


Plan Bee

A photograph showing Councillor Matheson and PlanBeeLtd Director Warren Bader with Glasgow bees.
Councillor Gordon Matheson and Plan Bee Ltd Director Warren Bader with a few of the bees who took up residence on top of Glasgow City Chambers.

The Glasgow City Council-based scheme Stalled Spaces provides funding and ideas for local people to turn unproductive land into a community asset, such as play areas, green gyms or pop up parks.  Sustainability champions and multi-award winning Scottish business Plan Bee Ltd. have supplied the city with the two hives, not only enhancing the council’s CSR offering, but also providing 24 jars of unique Glasgow honey per hive, per year.

As well as creating new greenscape in the city, Stalled Spaces also wanted to help the existing environment to thrive with the help of some Plan Bee hives.  The two insulated beehives will keep the busy insects warm during winter.  The honeybees are expected to frequent the flowers on George Square and Glasgow Green.

Plan Bee is already working with a number of forward-thinking businesses to enhance their sustainability offering and aid ailing bee populations across the United Kingdom.  Beehives have been popping up in the most unlikely of places with numerous city centre clients already offering the Motherwell-based organisation their support, from the prestigious restaurant Two Fat Ladies to the revved up West Coast Harley Davidson.

You may or may not already know that George Square has been playing host to hives, with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce already months ahead of the game.

Plan Bee CEO Warren Bader commented:

“We’re delighted that Glasgow City Council has chosen to showcase its sustainability efforts with two beehives on this iconic building.  Having stepped in at the last moment to support the local authority’s efforts, we know the pressure is on to deliver.  As a Legacy 2014 company, we are clearly going to make every effort to ensure Glasgow’s sustainability efforts continue to thrive, delivering long-term tangible benefits for the hundreds of thousands of people who call the city home.”


George Square has always been a hive of activity, only this time it is the honeybees that make Glasgow buzz!!

Let’s hope the bees will flourish in their new homes and that their new colony will help ensure that beautiful Glasgow remains a Dear Green Place for many generations to come…


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